Black Sea Region, Turkey

Family Friendly Beaches in Bartın

26.3km from Bartın center

Güzelcehisar Plajı is a scenic beach situated in the city of Bartın, though it is notably distanced from the c...

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35.8km from Bartın center

Göçkündemirci Köyü Plajı, located near Amasra in the Bartın region of Turkey, is a tranquil and serene beach k...

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34.3km from Bartın center

Akkonak Köyü Plajı is a unique beach located near the village of Çakraz. The beach is characterized by its roc...

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44.4km from Bartın center

Yardibi Plajı is a beach located approximately 2 km from the center of Kurucaşile. The beach is characterized ...

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Family Friendly Beaches in Turkey
Black Sea Region
Family Friendly Beaches in Black Sea Region