Lesbos, Aegean, Greece

Family Friendly Beaches in Mytilini

1km from Mytilini center

Tsamakia Beach, often referred to as Plaz Tsamakia, is a popular beach located in the capital city of Mytilene...

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9.8km from Mytilini center

Paralia Agios Ermogenis is a picturesque beach located in the city of Mytilene, Greece. Noted for its stunning...

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20.7km from Mytilini center

Agios Isidoros Beach is a renowned beach in Plomari, Lesvos, Greece, known for its natural beauty and pristine...

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8.5km from Mytilini center

Paralia Kratigos is a popular beach destination during the summer months. Known for its clean sea, it is a gre...

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