Playa Punta del Sabalo is a picturesque beach located in Mazatlan. Known for its cleanliness and tranquility, it is a popular spot for both locals and...
Playa Los Pinitos is a serene, sandy beach located on Stone Island in the city of Mazatlán. The beach is known for its family-friendly environment and...
Playa Brujas, also known as "Witches Beach," is a serene beach situated in the northern end of Mazatlán, Mexico. This beach is renowned for its tranqu...
Playa Cerritos is a serene beach located on the northernmost end of Mazatlán's coastline, separated from Playa Brujas by a hill. The beach is known fo...
Playa Norte is a beach known for its family-friendly atmosphere and low waves, making it an ideal location for small children. The beach is not typica...
White Duck Beach is a secluded semi-private stretch of beach located on the North side of the entrance into Marina Mazatlan. It is primarily used by g...
Las Glorias Beach, a popular spot among locals and tourists alike, is located in the North Hotel Zone of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. This area is known f...
Playa La Biznaga is a beach known for its cleanliness and excellent camping spots.
However, visitors should be aware of the presence of stingrays in t...
Playa Del Marino is a picturesque beach located in Mazatlan. Known for its serene and family-friendly atmosphere, it is often less crowded, providing ...
Playa La Escopama is a picturesque beach situated in the city of Mazatlán. This serene beach is renowned for its stunning sunsets and is often describ...
Playa San Juan is a beach known for its spectacular natural scenery, including breathtaking moonrises and sunsets.
The beach is well-maintained and cl...