Luzon, Philippines

Gidday Beach

Gidday Beach is a picturesque location situated on a small island in Bauang, La Union. The beach can be reached via a short boat ride. Despite its small size, the beach is known for its stunning natural beauty. The beach is frequented by both tourists and locals, and it is maintained by various government and non-government institutions. However, visitors are encouraged to take responsibility for their waste to help keep the beach clean. While the beach does not currently have a designated lifeguard or picnic area, it is still considered a worthwhile destination for a day trip. Visitors are advised to plan accordingly for their safety and comfort.
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Visitor Reviews

Visitor reviews highlight the beauty of the beach and its surroundings, with many appreciating its cleanliness and scenic views. Some visitors also enjoyed the boat ride to the small island. However, there are concerns about the amount of trash left behind by some visitors, and a suggestion for the addition of lifeguards and picnic areas.

Where is Gidday Beach?

Latitude: 16.5800964 / Longitude: 120.30761

Gidday Beach is located in Luzon. The following map of Gidday Beach shows the exact location.

Where to Stay near Gidday Beach?

The following map shows available accommodations and their prices.

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