

Located in the Far East of Russia, Livadia beach boasts clean white sand and stunning views. The beach is divided into four sectors, with one near Livadia Lake and the other three in Anna and Rifovaya bays.

The first sector is popular with families and young people, while more secluded options are available further away. Livadia's beaches have shallow, sandy entrances to the water that make them ideal for diving and snorkeling enthusiasts.

The best time to visit is during July and August, and visitors can enjoy ample infrastructure, including parking, equipment rental, and food options. During the summer, attractions such as trampolines and water rides are available, and nearby attractions include a Dolphinarium and Safari Park.

Explore accommodation options near Livadia Beach and enjoy the serene beauty of its white sand and crystal-clear waters.

With its developed infrastructure and breathtaking natural beauty, Livadia beach is an excellent choice for those seeking a relaxing summer getaway.

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