Luzon, Philippines

Majuben Beach

Majuben Beach is a serene and blissful location, offering a tranquil environment for visitors. It is known for its beautiful reefs, making it an ideal spot for those interested in marine life. However, it is important to note that there is a significant amount of plastic rubbish in the area, which may detract from the natural beauty of the beach. The beach is also a popular spot for swimming, with visitors often commenting on the pleasant views. The surrounding areas are also worth exploring for those looking to make the most of their visit. In terms of accommodation, there are affordable options available along the beach, making it a convenient stopover for those heading to destinations such as Tingloy.
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Visitor Reviews

Visitor reviews highlight the beauty and serenity of the beach, with many praising its nice reefs and views. The beach is also appreciated for its affordable accommodations. However, visitors complain about the presence of plastic rubbish in the area.

Where is Majuben Beach?

Latitude: 13.7587307 / Longitude: 120.9268082

Majuben Beach is located in Luzon. The following map of Majuben Beach shows the exact location.

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Where to Stay near Majuben Beach?

The following map shows available accommodations and their prices.

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