Luzon, Philippines

Payong-Payong Beach

Payong-Payong Beach is a small, picturesque beach known for its white sand and surrounding mountain rocks. The beach is often frequented by island hoppers, particularly during lunch hours. The term 'Payong' translates to 'umbrella' in the local language, a name inspired by the shape of the limestone formations found in the area. The beach is renowned for its clear, aquamarine waters, making it an ideal spot for snorkeling. Visitors can expect to see a variety of colorful fish and other marine life. Snorkeling gear and life vests are typically provided by tour groups for those who wish to explore underwater. Despite its natural beauty, Payong-Payong Beach can get quite crowded, especially during peak hours. Visitors typically arrive by boat, and it is not uncommon to see multiple boats docked at the beach. The breathtaking landscape, however, makes up for the crowd.
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Visitor Reviews

Visitor reviews highlight the beach's clear waters and fascinating mountainous surroundings, making it an ideal spot for snorkeling and relaxation. The white sandy beach and the abundance of colorful marine life are also highly appreciated by the visitors. However, some visitors complain about the overcrowding, which detracts from the otherwise breathtaking landscape.

Where is Payong-Payong Beach?

Latitude: 11.1450506 / Longitude: 119.3209004

Payong-Payong Beach is located in Luzon. The following map of Payong-Payong Beach shows the exact location.

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Where to Stay near Payong-Payong Beach?

The following map shows available accommodations and their prices.

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