Luzon, Philippines

Puro Beach

Puro Beach is a scenic location situated in Legazpi, known for its fresh air and sea breeze. It offers a stunning view of the Mayon Volcano, making it a popular spot for photography enthusiasts. The beach is not only a place for relaxation but also a great place for daily workouts such as walking, running, and potentially swimming. Its boulevard is considered one of the most picturesque in the area. However, the suitability of the water for swimming remains uncertain.
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Visitor Reviews

Visitor reviews highlight the beach as a great place for enjoying fresh air, sea breeze, and scenic views, including that of Mayon Volcano. Many appreciate it as a lovely spot for walking, running, swimming, and taking photos. However, some visitors are uncertain about the quality of swimming conditions.

Where is Puro Beach?

Latitude: 13.1359635 / Longitude: 123.762641

Puro Beach is located in Luzon. The following map of Puro Beach shows the exact location.

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Where to Stay near Puro Beach?

The following map shows available accommodations and their prices.

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