Upper Austria, Austria


Seebahnhof is a popular beach known for its amazing water. The beach is often crowded by the afternoon, but there is still enough space for everyone. The beach is a fantastic place to relax and take a dip in the lake, with large trees providing much-needed shade. The beach is rocky, and there are only two ladders into the water, which can make the entrance quite congested. However, once in the water, the swimming is fine. The beach offers an outstanding view, making it a great spot to relax and swim. There is a large carpark just behind the beach, which is reasonably priced. Some visitors have reported difficulty finding the beach the first time, but it becomes easy to locate once you are familiar with the area. Depending on the wind, leaves can sometimes be washed up onto the beach by the end of the day.
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What to do at Seebahnhof?


Seebahnhof amenities include parking.


Best restaurants near Seebahnhof include Dollmanns, Celik Keg, Wiener Cafe, Seehotel Schwan Gmunden Josef Nöstlinger, My Fresh Point and Brauhaus.

Visitor Reviews

Visitor reviews highlight the beach's amazing water and outstanding views as the most liked features, along with the availability of shade and ample space for relaxation. However, they also mention the beach getting crowded by the afternoon and the entrance to the water being congested due to limited ladders and rocky terrain.

Where is Seebahnhof?

Latitude: 47.9147252 / Longitude: 13.8044033

Seebahnhof is located in Upper Austria. The following map of Seebahnhof shows the exact location.

Where to Stay near Seebahnhof?

The following map shows available accommodations and their prices.


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