Salzburg, Austria

Strand Strobl am Wolfgangsee

Strand Strobl am Wolfgangsee, also known as Strandbad der Gemeinde Strobl or Naturstrand Wasswiese, is a picturesque natural beach located in the town of Strobl, in the Salzburg region of Austria. The beach is situated in a serene residential area and offers a tranquil environment that is perfect for relaxation. The beach is noted for its cleanliness and well-maintained amenities. It has a family-friendly atmosphere, with a sandy beach and a bathing jetty, making it an ideal destination for families. The beach is surrounded by well-kept grassy areas that provide shaded spots under trees, adding to the overall charm of the place. In addition, there is a dedicated section for water sports, enhancing the recreational options available to visitors. Parking is available for visitors arriving by car. There are parking spots on the street, some of which are free of charge. However, the availability of parking may vary depending on the time and day of the visit. Besides driving, the beach is also accessible via public transportation. The B 158 road between Abersee and Strobl leads to the beach, making it easily reachable for both locals and tourists. Despite its popularity, Strand Strobl am Wolfgangsee maintains a peaceful atmosphere, particularly during weekdays, offering a quiet retreat for visitors. The beach also commands a view of the lake, where visitors can enjoy watching boats and swimmers. Visitors to the beach are required to pay an admission fee, although children under 14 years old can enter free of charge. Discounts are available for guests with the Wolfgangsee Card or the Strobler Gästekarte. Seasonal parking passes can also be purchased by individuals with a valid bathing pass. While specific payment options are not mentioned, it is suggested that inquiries about accessibility and other services can be made by contacting the beach directly.

What to do at Strand Strobl am Wolfgangsee?


Strand Strobl am Wolfgangsee amenities include parking, toilet and loungers.


Best restaurants near Strand Strobl am Wolfgangsee include Kiwi am See and Gasthof Mahdhäusl.

Visitor Reviews

Visitor reviews highlight the beauty and tranquility of the beach, with its scenic views and peaceful atmosphere being particularly appreciated. The beach's cleanliness and family-friendly nature are also frequently praised. However, some visitors have reported instances of rudeness from staff at the entrance.

Where is Strand Strobl am Wolfgangsee?

Latitude: 47.7131727 / Longitude: 13.4533826

Strand Strobl am Wolfgangsee is located in Salzburg. The following map of Strand Strobl am Wolfgangsee shows the exact location.

Where to Stay near Strand Strobl am Wolfgangsee?

The following map shows available accommodations and their prices.

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