Playa Los Algodones, also known as El Tomate, is a picturesque beach located in the Mexican town of El Tomate. It is known for its long, ivory-colored...
Playa Miramar is a beautiful beach known for its warm and shallow waters. The beach extends for about 150 feet into the ocean, allowing visitors to wa...
Tucson Beach is a charming bay located in Puerto Penasco, known for its tranquil and serene environment. It is a hidden gem in Cholla Bay, offering a ...
Playa del Este is a beautiful beach known for its tranquility and privacy. It is less crowded than other beaches, making it an ideal place for those s...
Estero Morua, colloquially known as Rocky Point 360, is a secluded beach nestled in the city of Puerto Peñasco. The beach is on an estuary, which prov...
La Jolla Beach is a picturesque location, often described as 'pretty' and 'gorgeous'. It is particularly beautiful when the tide goes out, revealing a...